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U-Boat! WWI And WWII German Submarine Documentaries DVD, Download, USB

U-Boat! WWI And WWII German Submarine Documentaries DVD, Download, USB
U-Boat! WWI And WWII German Submarine Documentaries DVD, Download, USB
Item# uboat-wwi-amp-wwii-uboats-german-submarine-films-dvd
List Price: $29.96
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10 Documentaries On The History Of The U-Boat, The Submarine German Scourge Of The Seas During Both World Wars, Presented In The Highest DVD Quality MPG Video Format Of 9.1 MBPS In An Archival Quality 3 Disc All Regions Format DVD Set, MP4 Video Download Or USB Flash Drive! #UBoats #UBoots #Unterseeboot #Submarines #GermanSubmarines #UBoatCampaignWWI #UBoatCampaignWorldWarI #UBoatCampaignWorldWarII #BattleOfTheAtlantic #Reichsmarine #Kriegsmarine #Bundesmarine #GermanNavy #NavalWarfare #HistoryOfNavalWarfare #WorldWarI #WorldWarOne #WorldWar1 #WWI #WW1 #FirstWorldWar #FirstEuropeanWar #EuropeanCivilWar #WorldWarII #WWII #WW2 #WorldWarTwo #WorldWar2 #SecondWorldWar #SecondEuropeanWar #DVD #VideoDownload #MP4 #USBFlashDrive


An episode of the landmark 1964 CBS documentary series classic narrated by Robert Ryan which features the sinking of the passenger ship which ultimately propelled America into World War I.

THE LOG OF THE U-35 (Black/White, 1919 , 23 Minutes.)
An unparalleled historical film documenting the actual combat engagements of Germany's own U-35 "unterseaboot" ("U-Boat", or submarine) against commercial shipping as it plied its deadly trade all across the Mediterranean Sea.

VICTORY AT SEA: DESIGN FOR WAR (Black/White, 23 Minutes) / SEALING THE BREACH (Black/White, 23 Minutes) / KILLERS AND THE KILLED (Black/White, 23 Minutes.)
Three episodes of the venerable 1952-53 NBC TV documentary series about World War II naval history which dramatically recounts the titanic struggles against German submarines in the Atlantic during World War II.

G. I. DIARY: HELL IN THE ARCTIC (Black/White, 20 Minutes.)
Lloyd Bridges narrates a realistic and terrible view of the grimness of one of the most hellacious fronts of any theater of operations of either World War I or World War II.

This episode from the epic 1963 documentary series featuring an account from a soldier from each side of a particular battle compares the experiences of a British sailor serving on a Corvette and a German submariner.

WAR ON OUR SHORES (Color, 23 Minutes.)
The wreck of a World War II German U-Boat is discovered off the coast of Connecticuit, whose shoreline was regularly within sight of U-Boats throughout the Second World War during the Third Reich's desperate gamble to gain supremacy in the Atlantic; this documentary provides much detail about all this, much unavailable elsewhere.

Narrated by Richard Burton, this installment of the 1960 television series based on Winston Churchill's book "The Second World War" analyses the Atlantic front during the early days of World War II.

U-BOATS: THE WOLF PACK (Color, 28 Minutes.)
A comprehensive 1980s primer on the entire subject of World War II German submarines and the struggles of those Allied servicemen who fought against them.

U-boat is an anglicised version of the German word U-Boot, a shortening of Unterseeboot, a term used to refer to German and Austro-Hungarian Navy submarines. While the German term refers to any submarine, the English one (in common with several other languages) refers specifically to military submarines operated by Germany, particularly in the First and Second World Wars. Although at times they were efficient fleet weapons against enemy naval warships, they were most effectively used in an economic warfare role (commerce raiding) and enforcing a naval blockade against enemy shipping. The primary targets of the U-boat campaigns in both wars were the merchant convoys bringing supplies from Canada and other parts of the British Empire, and from the United States to the United Kingdom and (during the Second World War) to the Soviet Union and the Allied territories in the Mediterranean. German submarines also destroyed Brazilian merchant ships during World War II, causing Brazil to declare war on both Germany and Italy on 22 August 1942.